CMEC History



In 1992, three piano instructors came together, each wanting a more professional space than our own homes in which to provide lessons, but still desiring the autonomy of managing our own studios. The idea for a teachers’ co-op, then known as Cockeysville Piano Learning Center, was born.  

Our goal was simple: 

First CMEC location on Church Lane

To provide high-quality, private instruction to members of our community in a space that made people feel comfortable and ready to learn. ”



The original location was on Church Lane in Cockeysville. Eventually, we became known as Cockeysville Music Education Center, and provided a home base for numerous instructors over the years. We evolved from 
solely offering piano lessons to adding instruments and voice.

Each of our experienced instructors has a passion for music education and brings their own set of strengths and knowledge to the table. We tap into this, fostering a culture of collaboration and sharing. This has created an environment uniquely suited for our students to benefit 
from the knowledge and experience of our entire faculty! We also appreciate that every student learns differently and at their own pace. We seek to nurture this, which is why we only offer private lessons.

As far as we know, this co-op is a one-of-a-kind model in the music education world. We are able to come together to provide opportunities independent teachers may struggle to provide on their own.  We know the value of music starts at home and at the community level and we 
are always happy to join community events and activities to bolster awareness of the value of music education, as well as the many benefits of being able to play an instrument.

During the pandemic, we left our original studio space on Church Lane.  In the fall of 2021, we re-opened at 1818 Pot Spring Road. This location in the Timonium-Lutherville area consists of four teaching studios and a waiting room. We have also expanded our offerings into virtual lessons, which allows us to teach anyone anywhere in the world 
(with internet access, that is!)

teaching via zoom

2021 - Creating A New Studio