Cecelia Prinkey


Cecelia Prinkey is one of the original founders of Cockeysville Music Education Center, and considers teaching piano a way of life.  She studied at Towson University and Peabody Conservatory, and has extensive pedagogical training from institutes around the country, including certification as a Suzuki piano teacher. 

Teaching Philosophy

Cecelia says her philosophy about teaching piano lessons is pretty straight forward.  

"Music has been one of the strongest, most influential aspects of my life.  I teach because I hope to pass that joy onto others.  Music fits into all our lives in some way, even if it simply means we are listeners.  The more you know about any subject, the more you enjoy it.  It's the same with music.  So no matter how music is going to fit into a student's current and future life, it's my role to help them know as much about it as they can.  Whether they use that knowledge to become hobbyists, professional musicians, or simply good listeners, it's my hope to enhance their joy and understanding of music for the rest of their lives".  

I believe that playing an instrument is a skill that anyone can develop with practice.  So I look forward to working with all students with the goal of helping them progress one step at a time to whatever level they wish.  I believe it is my role to inspire and guide them down a path of increased knowledge and skill."

Cecelia Prinkey          Alec Davis          Justine Koontz         Amanda Rogel
Eric Hiller          Hexing Xiao          Autumn England